Let’s talk about the specifics of communication with macro- and micro-influencers, supplement the classification with mid-bloggers, analyze which tasks are best suited for each of them. We’ll share recommendations based on 2 L’s experience in influencer marketing and an approach to evaluating campaigns with bloggers.
The specifics of macro and microblogging audience
When to use micro, midi, and macro influencers
How to work with bloggers of different scales
How to select channels for integration
What contributes to successful interaction
How to evaluate the effectiveness of a project with bloggers
We work mainly in the B2C market, specializing in software, technology and gadgets, and we consider the audience of microbloggers from 1 to 60 thousand subscribers, and macro influencers with 400 thousand subscribers. You can see a serious gap in these audiences. Indeed, there is an interesting range between micro and macro, in our niche it ranges from 60-70 to 350-400 thousand subscribers. We call them midi. These are those who still fall short of large channels, but already clearly differ in coverage from micro ones.
P.S. For other topics, the boundaries may differ, for example, if we talk about beauty bloggers, all the numbers will be 2-3 times larger.
Now let’s talk about the specifics of audiences of different levels and why there has been so much talk about working with microbloggers lately. Of course, this is the case when quality comes first, not quantity.
Microbloggers don’t have many subscribers, but there are almost no random people among them, their audience is as loyal as possible, they sincerely trust the influencer.
There is no excess of advertising in small channels, many people engage in microblogging out of pure enthusiasm, not for the sake of money. Therefore, it may be more difficult to agree on cooperation with some of them than to join the celebrities. But if a microblogger takes on an advertising project, it will almost certainly be a very native, well-developed integration. It is important for them both to maintain the trust of subscribers and to meet the expectations of advertisers. They actively participate in content creation, testing products honestly and with full dedication. As a result, their audience accepts ads with understanding and trust. If your goal is to establish a strong emotional connection with your audience, then microblogging will be a great tool.
Midi-influencers are closer to micro than to macro in terms of audience quality and involvement in processes. They are not yet spoiled by advertisers, they will be equally attentive to the customer, the content and the interests of their subscribers. At the same time, their audience is noticeably larger than microbloggers have.
In our experience (2L’s portfolio includes collaboration with 200+ bloggers), if you evaluate performance comprehensively in terms of traffic, CTR and engagement, midi have the best results.
There is an opinion that microbloggers are suitable exclusively for specific products and local promotions, but this is a misconception. In fact, the blogger’s choice is determined by the product’s conformity to the nature of the author’s content, regardless of the size of his audience. In our projects, we have repeatedly attracted microbloggers to promote gadgets and user electronics of major brands, both for one-time promotions, new product announcements, and to maintain interest.
The advantage of macro influencers is, of course, coverage. It is advisable to work with them when the task is to create or raise brand awareness among a wide audience, or when you need a focus on the most diverse target audience. Later, after the announcements, we would have connected the midi microbloggers anyway — to consolidate the contact and form a closer emotional connection with the consumer.
If your advertising campaign budget is limited, go straight to micro-midi bloggers. With a balanced selection of channels, you can expect good results (more confidently than if you lay out the entire budget for 1-2 large ones). If you have a significant budget for a mass product, the optimal strategy is to combine channels of all three categories: start with exposure through large blogs, and then move on to midi and micro for a more personalized approach.
When interacting with a microblogger, you will most likely communicate not with the influencer himself, but with his agent or manager. You should understand that such bloggers have an abundance of advertising deals, so their integrations often turn out to be formulaic, and this can lead to a lack of response from the audience.
Therefore, your brief and the scenario for integration on the macro channel should be carefully thought out.
Bloggers with an audience of millions are poorly involved in the advertising preparation process, so you (your PR manager, contractor) need to research the style and content of the blog and create a script that will seamlessly integrate into its content. It’s great if your product manages to become a solution for a specific blogger’s task and is demonstrated in action.
Developing a macro scenario will require the most effort. But there will almost certainly be no organizational problems. Bloggers’ agents know their job, they work clearly, they don’t have to be persuaded. Write out the scenario in detail: managers like to receive detailed instructions for advertising, they themselves do not seek to delve into the details of each project.
But if the macroblogger expresses a desire to personally participate in the creation of the script, do not interfere. It is better to suggest adjustments later.
Irina Burenina, Lead Project Manager in the 2L agency:
«Give the midi/microblogger a good brief and, at most, a few abstract ideas. Let him show his talents. This trusting approach will allow a blogger to create content that will fit seamlessly into his style and appeal to his audience. This will ultimately benefit the advertiser’s brand».
To select partners, first determine the campaign goals and budget. Then make a list of bloggers and carefully study their content to make sure that their values and tone of presentation match your brand. Pay attention to audience engagement: this is more important than the number of subscribers, which may be overestimated. As for macrobloggers, you should also pay attention to their past promotional posts/videos and how subscribers reacted to them.
Don’t forget to analyze how the blogger feels about your type of product and whether he works with your competitors.
If he works with competing brands, think carefully about the importance of integrating into his channel for you. It might be better to find an alternative, and if his support is critically important to you, try to involve him in a long-term partnership.
Working with bloggers, regardless of their scale, is a powerful promotion tool. To get the most out of it, it is necessary to competently build all the processes – from careful selection of channels to analysis of the results. The 2L team knows all this, knows how, and practices it. Leave a request using the button below or write to sales@2l-pr.ru, if you want to work with us.