Comprehensive PR Service ⋆ 2L

Comprehensive PR Service

What it may include:

  • PR strategy development
  • Initiation of articles and comments in the media
  • Organization of barter activities with influencers
  • Development of competitive mechanics
  • Consulting
  • Copywriting
  • Monitoring and analytics
  • Anti-crisis PR
  • PR of the corporate CEOs (personal brand)
  • Mentoring, training, media trainings
  • Events for the media

Example of strategy development

How to Quickly and Effectively Stimulate App Installs/ We will tell you how to quickly and effectively stimulate app installs using the example of the Lextre case (The Right Words, or Поэтайзер in the Russian version).


Significantly increase app installs in a limited time and budget


Lextre’s The Right Words app was launched long ago but did not have enough installations, which was crucial for the underlying neural network. We could not simply re-launch the app in a traditional way and were limited by the budget the client procured conservatively due to low results the previous campaigns delivered.


We chose to go viral and identified a 'referral circle' of personas who would be instrumental to generate interest towards the all among their immediate followers. We prepared a special kit for these influencers, including fridge magnets with their social media profile photos processed through The Right Words, а print-out of a press released with a QR code for app download and a bottle of absinth (which is believed to be a drink of choice for decadence poets). The influencers (editors, bloggers, radio hosts and renowned IT personas) posted photos of the creative kit and downloaded The Right Words to play around with their other photos, increasing the viral reach. In order to reach out to more audience we employed popular social media communities and lifestyle media outlets.


original publications


app installs in week one

Bronze Awards

“Silver Mercury”

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