Personal data processing policy for the website of 2l Agency

Personal Data Processing Policy

Personal data processing policy for the website of the communication agency 2l. The text is a public offer (i.e. an offer to conclude an agreement).

If you do not agree in whole or in part with the current version of this Policy, you always have the right to refuse access to the Site by stopping viewing its content and/or using the functionality.

1. Terms

Website – the website of the 2l communication agency, posted on the Internet at

The Site Administration is the authorized employees of the 2l communication agency responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Site.

The User is an individual who accesses and uses the Site.

2. Receipt, processing and use of personal data

2.1. When Users fill out feedback forms, the Site collects and processes personal data of Users in accordance with Federal Law of Russian Federation No. 152-FZ dated 07/27/2006 «On Personal Data».

2.2. The User’s personal data received and processed by the Site Administration includes: surname, first name, patronymic, e-mail address, phone number.

2.3. The User’s personal data is used by the Site Administration solely for the purpose of providing services related to the operation of the Site, as well as for feedback from the User.

2.4. The Site Administration guarantees the confidentiality of the User’s personal data and takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect them.

2.5. The User agrees to the processing of his personal data by continuing to use the Site after reviewing this Policy.

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