The Cookie Policy for the 2l Communications Agency website

Cookies Policy

Our site uses cookies in order to optimize the operation of the site, improve the user experience, as well as to analyze and statistic the use of the site. The Cookie Policy for the 2l Communications Agency website is presented below.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website stores on your device. They come in two types: session (deleted after closing the browser) and permanent (stay on the device longer).

Cookies are used to store information about the user and his behavior on the site, for example, about visiting pages, time spent on the site. Using cookies, sites can improve the user experience, for example, by offering personalized content or remembering user preferences for the next visit.

What cookies can our site use?

The following types of cookies may be used on our website:

The user’s right to refuse cookies

We respect your privacy and always give you the opportunity to manage your cookie settings through your browser or other cookie management mechanisms. You can block the use of cookies by our website by changing the appropriate browser settings. However, this may lead to a deterioration of the site and limited functionality.

By continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies and this policy. We value your privacy and commit to using cookies in accordance with our privacy policy and the laws of the Russian Federation.

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