We did well. The results of the Runet 2024 Rating - 2L

We did well. The results of the Runet 2024 Rating

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Communication agency 2L is on the 3rd place in the global ranking of PR agencies in Russia. And this is a line better result compared to last year, thought the methodology has become more complex and stricter.

2L in the Ratings of Runet 2024

What is the Runet Rating?

The Runet Rating (RR) is a project of the Proactivity Group company, along with the Workspace tender platform and the CMS Magazine portal. RR is an online platform for choosing digital companies.

A distinctive feature of RR is its commendable fixation on the perfection of their methodology. Every year, the guys add something, complicate, supplement. The ranking of companies in the RR takes place according to a point system, and for each rating or slice there is a formula that necessarily takes into account the turnover of the company, which relate to this type of service, the number of customers, and the degree of specialization. Some ratings also take into account wins in professional competitions and work with the largest companies. There are many parameters, but the main thing is that all the details of the methodology are open on the website.

And it is also very important that RR not only collects, but also checks the data. The last stage before updating the ratings is the so–called mandatory verification. Each agency receives a list of randomly selected projects that need to be documented: up to the exact start and end dates of each specified service.

And for those who wish to discuss PR tasks with one of the top agencies of Russia, which has also been verified by Runet Ratings, there is an active link «Leave a request» just below.


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