How to Build Brand Awareness Using Gamification: The «Kingston Is With You» Creative Campaign - 2L

How to Build Brand Awareness Using Gamification: The «Kingston Is With You» Creative Campaign

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Kingston has existed for more than three decades, and over that time the company has acquired the reputation of a leader in the computer hardware market. Every fifth gamer in Russia is familiar with Kingston’s memory modules. According to DRAMeXchange, the company is the undisputed leader in the DRAM market with a market share of 78.02%.
However, not everyone knows that Kingston’s products are much closer to us and help us in our daily lives much more often than it might seem at first glance.

We were tasked to join in the global campaign Kingston Is With You and convey to a wide audience in Russia that Kingston’s product range is not limited to the flash drives and hardware components that everyone knows and uses every day, but also includes products for many other applications that we never even think about, including transport and household appliances, among other things.

The goal of the project was to reach a wide target audience – ordinary users aged 16 to 50 who live in Russia and have an interest in at least one of the following topics: IT, video games, computers, design, photo and video, and blogging.

When developing the concept for the Russian version of the Kingston Is With You campaign, we studied the main trends both in Russia and around the world, paying particular attention to education, since the main objective of the project was to educate the audience and raise awareness of the company’s tech products. The audience of the project was quite large and diverse.

All this led us to gamification, because it is a simple and highly effective tool (as confirmed by numerous studies) that allows the user to approach even complex topics with the curiosity of a child.

Thus, the idea was born to raise the user’s awareness of Kingston through the use of gamification.


To localize the global campaign Kingston Is With You and convey to a wide audience in Russia that Kingston’s product range is not limited to the flash drives and hardware components that everyone knows and uses every day, but also includes products for many other applications that we never even think about, including transport and household appliances, among other things.


Our creative project consisted of two stages – The Kingston Universe (a landing page with an interactive map) and a web comic. A key feature of each stage was integrated gamification.

1. The Kingston Universe.

For the first stage, we set up a landing page with an interactive map showing a complete list of industries that use Kingston’s technology – from cell towers and public transportation to robot vacuums, airplanes, and space satellites.
 The map symbolized The Kingston Universe, where hovering the mouse cursor over an industry (represented by a point on the map) revealed detailed information on what Kingston technology is used in this particular area and how it is used, with links to a detailed description of the hardware on the official website of the company.

Additionally, the landing page encouraged users to take a quiz to test their knowledge of the company’s technology and win prizes from Kingston. In search of answers to the questions, users went back to the map, studied it in more detail, and found the answers they needed or went to the official website and continued their search there.

The project was promoted using the following tools:

At this stage, we were able to reach and engage a wide audience that responds to the advertising tools used and is generally interested in IT/video games and other related topics.

2. A gripping webcomic thriller

After reviewing the results of the first stage, we updated the landing page by launching the second stage of the project, a gripping webcomic thriller.

The goals for this stage included:

The creative team of the agency, headed by Nina Zinchenko, was brought in to develop the idea for the comic. The best ideas were tested on a focus group consisting of members of the target audience, and in the end, the idea of a gripping webcomic thriller telling the story of a user who sees the «machines are watching us» type of nightmare won out. The final idea was rendered by Martadello, Russia’s most popular professional webcomic artist.

The main comic was supplemented by a second one, which showed that, in reality, everyone participates in contests. It stimulated users to take part in a second quiz, learn more about the company’s tech products, and win valuable prizes.

The second stage of the project was promoted using the following tools:

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Goals and KPIs achieved as a result of the launch:

The main goal of the campaign was to spark interest in the tech brand among a large audience of all ages. Our successful achievement of this goal is demonstrated by the high engagement of users from all platforms from which the project received traffic – from TikTok to Twitch. The average time on page for the single landing page was more than three minutes (!). The failure rate was 11%.

Analysis of the comments and feedback on the project showed that it did not receive any negativity even in the Pikabu community, whose users are infamous for their negative attitude to advertising. The project reached 7,658 participants.

The conversion rate for the target action (participation in the contest) was 30%.

As a result of the project, we were able to reach a wide target audience aged 16 to 50 across the country and engage them to interact with the brand.

Customer comment

The company’s head office in the United States recognized the idea with the map and the web comic as the perfect solution to make the concept «Kingston Is With You» understandable to the average user and reach a wide variety of audiences in Russia.


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